
So you’ve decided to finally take the time to get a website for your business. I’ve put together a list of things that you can do now to be fully prepared when it’s time to start building your site or before you hire someone to build it for you. ( BTW, Some of the links below are affiliate links.)

1. Secure your domain – What exactly is a domain? In layman’s terms, a domain is a unique name that identifies a website. Each website has a domain. So if your business is called Simple Truth, a good domain name would be simpletruth.com or simpletruth.net

2. Find a reliable web host- In order to get your website online, you need a good, reliable web host. If you’re going to go the WordPress route, I would recommend Bluehost or a managed WordPress host. I personally recommend Flywheel for your managed WordPress provider.  Check out this blog post I wrote about web host: What is a Web Host?

3. Choose the right platform for your business- There are many different platforms to choose from. It all depends on your business needs and how much monthly maintenance you want to do. Some options you have are Squarespace, Wix,  and WordPress. Most of my clients prefer WordPress because of its flexibility and its ability to grow with your business.

4. Write down your needs – Decide the who, what, and how of your business. Are you a hairstylist who needs a site to display your work and book appointments? Or maybe you are a consultant who needs a one-page site that has a blog and a simple contact form and links to your social media pages.

5. Get a professional headshot- You’re going to need a great image of you for your site and a low-quality pic won’t do. Schedule an appointment with a local photographer and get one or two headshots done.

6. Write a bio- Who are you? and what do you offer? Whether you decide to create a full 5-page site or a one-page site, you will need a bio.

7. High-quality images for your site- Good photos can make or break your site. You don’t have to break the bank. You can use stock photos. one of my favorite sites to get photos is unsplash.com

8. Copy for each page/section of your site- Great pics are nice and you may have found the perfect layout/template. None of that matters if you don’t have web copy. What is copy? Website copy is the text that guides people through your website and tells them what they need to know. It’s what’s on your home page, your about page, your products and services pages,

9. Business E-mail address– There’s nothing wrong with having a Gmail address, but having a business email is important. You can get a business email through your web host or you can get one through an email host. I use G-Suite for my business, and a few of my clients use Zoho mail. If you would like to try G-suite and receive a 20% discount per user for a year. you can use this link: G-Suite Trial .

10. E-mail marketing provider – I wish I had known the power of email marketing when I first started. Even if you don’t have clients or customers yet, I would recommend that you start building your email list. My recommendation would be Mailchimp.

There’s no way to be 100% prepared, but these 10 tips will get you off to a great start. If oyu have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me .