
Writing is hard!

But it doesn’t have to be! Writing is a must in your daily business activities.  Here are 3 tools that can help you write better web copy:

1. Grammarly

Grammarly App

Grammarly is a free, browser-based tool that checks your writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. It also highlights issues like passive voice, overuse of adverbs, and more. If you’re looking to make sure your writing is on point before sending it off in an email or posting on social media, this is a must-have tool.

2. Hemingway App

Hemmingway App

The Hemingway app helps you write clearer by identifying the most complex parts of your text. It does this by highlighting words that are hard to read (like long sentences) in red, so you know exactly where to focus your attention as you revise. If you’re struggling with making your writing easy to read and understand, this app will definitely come in handy!

3. Wordcounter


Wordcounter is another free tool that helps you streamline your writing by showing you how many words are being used in each paragraph of your text. This is another great way to avoid filler words like “very” or “really” because they can add unnecessary bulk to your prose without adding any real impact. You can also use this tool to see how many times certain keywords appear throughout the document – this can be helpful if you want to make sure that certain topics are being mentioned at appropriate times throughout each piece of content (such as search engine optimization).

I hope this helps you guys out and saves you a bit of time. Now go get to writing and make the world a more interesting place.