
How many times have you written a blog post or created content on the day you planned on sharing it? Only to get distracted or put something out there that wasn’t edited…just so you could post something. I understand completely and I found a tool that not only helped me automate my Pinterest and Instagram content but also increased the traffic to my website. Today, I’m going to share 5 reasons why I love Tailwind.


Here are the 5 reasons why I love Tailwind:

  1. You can schedule automate your post on Instagram
  2. You can have others reshare my content quickly
  3. You can track my progress through analytics
  4. You can discover new hashtags
  5. You can use the Google Chrome Extension to add content to my queue


#1 Schedule and Automate your post

tailwind schedule

Before I started using Tailwind, I would wake up and create the day of, or create at the spur of the moment. With Tailwind, you can set the day, and time that you would like for your content to post, and they will post it for you. It’s the perfect way to share content consistently and in advance.

#2 Share your content with Tailwind Tribes

Tailwind Tribes was a game-changer for me. Not only did I find a lot of content to pin to my boards, but I also got a chance to share my content with others, so they could pin my content to their boards. A month of using TailWind Tribes increased my total audience by 234%.

#3 Tailwind Analytics

Tailwind Analytics

Every week I like to track my progress to see what’s working and what needs to be reevaluated. Tailwind has a dashboard that tracks your analytics. You can get an overview of your follower count, Like, comments and engagement.

#4 Hashtag Finder

Tailwind hashtag Finder

Instagram lets you use up to 30 hashtags and Tailwind makes it easy to find hashtags that are relevant to your industry. As you add Hashtags, they give you suggestions on ones you could use that aren’t overused by others.

#5 Tailwind Google Chrome Extension

As I’m browsing the web, I chrome across great articles and content that I want to share on Pinterest. Instead of copying and pasting a link, I can use the Tailwind extension to quickly pin items to my boards. It saves me time and energy.



There are many tools that you can use to automate your social media post. If you want a tool that will help you automate the process of pinning to Pinterest or posting to Instagram. I highly recommend Tailwind.

Additional Resources you may like:

Create 7 days of Instagram Content With Tailwind
Anatomy of a quick Instagram post
Help With Hashtags