
1.You can create your own t-shirts, I-phone cases, pillows and more without having to order and store any inventory. Learn more about the process here.

2. Sell handmade items on  Etsy

When I was on bedrest about 9 years ago, I started creating handmade earrings.

Before I started selling online on my own my WordPress site, I started an Etsy shop. It’s easy to set up as long as you have great pictures, product descriptions, and prices. Check out my Etsy store.

3. Resell Clothes on PoshMark

I’m not much of a shopper, but I love going to the thrift store to see what I can find for myself and my Posh store. Posh mark is a great place to resell clothes that you’ve outgrown or resell thrift store finds. Check out my posh closet here.

4. Resell on E-bay

E-bay is also a great place to sell not only Check but any items that you need to purge from your home. We sell everything from action figures, to printer ink to shoes and clothes.

5. Sell digital products on your website/blog

Perhaps you’re really knowledgeable about a skill or topic. You could create an ebook about that particular topic and sell it on your site.

6. Create a gig or two on Fiverr

If you are a technical person, you could help others who need assistance with small gigs and projects. Data entry, graphic design, or writing copy for other small businesses and entrepreneurs. I’ve used Fiverr to outsource some of my logo design and graphic design projects. I’ve used Fiverr to outsource some of my logo design and graphic design projects.

7. Sell courses through Thinkific

Thinkific is a great platform to use to create free and paid courses. I recently created a WordPress 101-course using Thinkific. I also wrote a blog post about my experience with the platform.

8. Become a coach or consultant

Maybe you have the gift of helping others business or life in general. You could become a coach or consultant and sell your services to other small business owners.

9. Become an affiliate for your favorite brands

Affiliate marketing is a great source of income. You receive a small commission for sharing your favorite brands with others. For example if you have a favorite host that you use to host your website, you can sign up for their affiliate program and receive a commission if someone uses your link to purchase.

There are many other ways to make money online.  I have experience with all  9 of the suggested revenue streams. If you need any help or more information about any of them, please feel free to reach out.

What are some ways you can make extra money online?