There are many ways to build a website. You can use Wix, Weebly, GoDaddy Site Builder, Squarespace, etc. You can Google the phrase “How to build a website” and get tons of options. It ain’t for everyone, but those that use it, love it!  I’ve been designing and producing websites since 2008, and even though there is so much more for me to learn, I consider myself a bit of an expert.

Here are 9 reasons why I use WordPress:

  1. It’s easy to set up, upgrade, and maintain.
  2. It’s a fully-featured content management system. You can not only use it for blogging but also to sell your products, host your videos, and other content.
  3. There are many themes to choose from and many of them are free. I use a premium theme called Divi, which is a Drag and Drop editor.
  4. You can enhance your site by installing plugins, without having to hire a coder or developer. Most plugins can be added with just the click of a button.
  5. It’s search engine optimized (SEO friendly).
  6. With the right theme, WordPress is responsive, which means it will look good on all devices
  7. WordPress is mature, over 10 years old with a huge following and growing more and more daily. It is used by solo business owners as well as major corporations.
  8. You always have full control. You can use the WordPress software any way you choose and host your website anywhere you choose. Most hosting providers have a one-click installation.
  9. WordPress software is free. Certain plugins will cost you a fee but I have always managed to find free versions.


There are many other options to use other than WordPress, but so far WordPress is my go-to favorite. Do you use WordPress? Wanna chat about whether or not it’s right for you? Contact me 🙂