Case Study: Revitalizing Uniquely You Natural Hair Care’s Logo

Case Study: Revitalizing Uniquely You Natural Hair Care’s Logo

Client Background
Client Name: Nykisha Brooks
Business Name: Uniquely You Natural Hair Care
Industry: Natural Hair Care
Location: Sunderland, Maryland


Nykisha Brooks, the owner of Uniquely You Natural Hair Care, is a dedicated natural hair stylist known for her personalized approach to hair care. With a strong commitment to promoting healthy natural hair and boosting her clients’ self-esteem, Nykisha’s salon has gained popularity and a loyal customer base. However, she recognized that she was tired of her current logo needed a makeover to give her brand a boost.


Outdated Visual Identity: The existing logo had been in use for several years and felt outdated. Its intricate details and complex design no longer resonated with a more modern aesthetic.

Develop a new logo that embodies modern simplicity while reflecting the salon’s mission and values.
Create a versatile logo that could be used across various platforms and materials.


1. Discovery and Visioning: Nykisha and I chatted via Instagram DM and discussed her new vision and any changes she wanted to make to her logo.

2. Based on the info gathered, I generated multiple updated logo concepts. These concepts focused on simplicity, and making sure I kept key elements from the old logo.





3. I explored typography styles, iconography, and color palettes that resonated with the brand’s essence. They also incorporated natural elements like hair strands and leaves to symbolize both hair care and the salon’s dedication to nature.

4. Nykisha was actively involved in the design process, providing feedback on each concept iteration. The collaborative approach ensured that the final logo would truly represent Uniquely You Natural Hair Care.

5. After several rounds of refinements, a final logo emerged. The chosen design featured a simplified illustration of her original concept. The typography was clean and contemporary, exuding a professional yet approachable vibe.

6. Color Palette: We decided to keep her original brand colors.


The collaborative efforts between Nykisha and me resulted in a rejuvenated logo that resonated with Uniquely You Natural Hair Care’s audience. The modernized logo effectively conveyed the salon’s commitment to natural hair care, individuality, and empowerment. With its versatility, the new logo is seamlessly integrated into various branding materials, from social media profiles to signage and product labels.


By embracing modern simplicity and authenticity, Nykisha successfully revitalized her brand’s visual identity. This case study shows the importance of aligning visual elements with a brand’s core values and mission.

5 ways to prevent WordPress Spam Comments

5 ways to prevent WordPress Spam Comments

Spam comments on your WordPress website can be super annoying. They clutter your content, harm your website’s credibility, and create extra work for you as you sift through the junk to find legit comments. Fortunately, there are things you can do to combat this issue. In this post, I’ll explore five ways to prevent WordPress spam comments and keep your website clean and user-friendly.

1. Enable CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA

CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) and **reCAPTCHA** are super dope tools to thwart automated spam bots. By requiring users to complete a puzzle or click a checkbox to prove they’re human, you can significantly reduce spam submissions.

To enable CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA on your WordPress site, consider using a plugin like Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft. It’s user-friendly and provides solid protection against spam.

2. Use a Spam Comment Filter Plugin

Spam comment filter plugins are a WordPress site owner’s best friend. Two of the most popular options are Akismet and Antispam Bee. These plugins automatically detect and filter out spam comments, sparing you the headache of having to sort through them to find legitimate comments. Simply install one of these plugins, configure the settings, and let them work their magic. They are highly effective and constantly updated to combat new spamming techniques.

3. Moderate Spam Comments Manually

While automated tools and plugins are great, some spam comments may still sneak through. To ensure nothing harmful or irrelevant gets posted on your site, consider enabling manual comment moderation. This means you or your team will review and approve comments before they appear on your website. While it requires a bit more effort, manual moderation gives you full control over what gets published. It’s an effective way to ensure a spam-free comment section.

4. Limit Hyperlinks in Comments

Spammers often use comments to promote their websites or products by including multiple hyperlinks. You can deter them by limiting the number of links a user can include in a comment. Most genuine comments won’t need more than one or two links. To implement this restriction, use a plugin like “WP Limit Comment Links.” It’s a simple yet effective way to reduce spammy links in your comments.

5. Disable Comments on Older Posts

As your website grows, older posts can become targets for spam comments. Since these posts may not receive as much attention from you or your audience, consider disabling comments on them. You can do this by going to the post’s settings and unchecking the “Allow Comments” box. It’s a preventive measure to keep spam at bay on less active content.

In conclusion, WordPress spam comments can be a nuisance, but with these five strategies and proper regular maintenance, you can significantly reduce their impact on your website. Implementing CAPTCHA, using spam comment filter plugins, manual moderation, limiting hyperlinks, and disabling comments on older posts are all effective ways to maintain a spam-free and user-friendly WordPress site. By taking these steps, you’ll create a better experience for your readers and save yourself valuable time and energy.

Streamlining Tech Processes: How Outsourcing Saves Time and Money for Small Business Owners

Streamlining Tech Processes: How Outsourcing Saves Time and Money for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you wear all of the hats – from handling daily operations to managing social media posting. One area that often poses challenges is dealing with the technical side of your business. From website design and maintenance to managing domain and hosting issues, these tasks can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially if you’re not the most technical person.

Luckily, there’s a solution that can significantly ease your frustrations and boost your business’s productivity – outsourcing technical tasks to folks who specialize in these areas. In this blog post, I’ll explore the benefits of outsourcing and give you a few valuable tips to streamline your tech processes, allowing you to focus on what you do best – growing your business!

1. Identify your Pain Points

Take a moment to assess the tech-related tasks that take up most of your time and cause frustration. Is it website updates, dealing with web hosting issues, or managing your online presence? Identifying these pain points will help you determine which tasks to outsource and streamline your workflow.

2. Focus on Your Core Business

As a small business owner, your time is precious. Outsourcing technical tasks allows you to allocate more time and energy to your core business activities. Instead of struggling with website glitches, you can concentrate on developing products, improving customer service, and exploring new opportunities for growth.

3. Access Expertise

Outsourcing grants you access to a pool of talented professionals with specialized skills in website design, tech support, and digital marketing. Most experts stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, ensuring that your business benefits from new and cutting-edge solutions.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

Hiring in-house staff for technical roles can be costly, especially for small businesses with limited budgets. Outsourcing eliminates the need for full-time employees and associated expenses like salaries, benefits, and training. Instead, you can opt for flexible pricing models that align with your business needs and scale as you grow.

5. Enhanced Security and Reliability

Technical tasks like website security, data backups, and system maintenance require continuous attention. Outsourcing to professionals ensures that these critical aspects are well taken care of, reducing the risk of data loss, cyber-attacks, and downtime.

6. Tailored Solutions:

Each business is unique, and one-size-fits-all solutions may not always meet your requirements. When you outsource, you can collaborate with a service provider to develop customized solutions that align with your business goals and objectives.

7. Embrace Automation

Leverage automation tools and software to streamline repetitive tasks. Outsourcing experts can help you implement automation to efficiently handle routine processes,  which saves you time and energy.

8. Excellent Customer Support

Choose a reliable outsourcing partner that provides excellent customer support. Having responsive and knowledgeable support ensures you get timely assistance when needed, helping you maintain business continuity.


Outsourcing technical tasks is a game-changer for small business owners. By focusing on your core business and entrusting technical aspects to experts, you can save time, money, and energy while enjoying the benefits of enhanced efficiency and productivity.

I take pride in being your trusted techy best friend. Let me help you streamline your tech processes so that you can grow your business with confidence. Contact us me for a free consultation and discover how outsourcing can take your business to new heights!

Case Study: Empowering Jenaki’s Reiki Practice Through a One-Page WordPress Site

Case Study: Empowering Jenaki’s Reiki Practice Through a One-Page WordPress Site

In this case study, let’s explore how Jenaki, a talented Reiki practitioner, and I collaborated to create a simple one-page WordPress website. I assisted Jenaki in securing a domain, selecting reliable hosting, writing compelling website copy, and integrating Square Appointments. This enabled her to establish an online presence, attract new clients, and streamline the booking process. Join us as we dive into the details of Jenaki’s transformative journey.

Client Background

During the pandemic, Jenaki experienced a spiritual awakening, leading her to establish Jenaki’s Vegan Life and become a Usui Reiki 2 Practitioner. Her mission focuses on inspiring personal healing and well-being.

The Journey

Jenaki approached me for a  website and guidance on offering services to future Reiki clients. We had a 30-minute discovery call to discuss her needs, vision, and goals. After evaluating her requirements, I provided a detailed explanation, including a quote and an overview of what she needed to get started.

Domain & Hosting Process

We secured the domain jenakisveganlife.com as an umbrella for her brands. However, after further discussion, we also obtained Reikiwithjenaki.com since it would be her main focus for a while. Choosing WordPress as the platform, we secured hosting with Bluehost . While I handled the domain and hosting process, I assigned Jenaki tasks like writing her bio and acquiring a professional headshot for the website. I also provided her with a checklist for guidance

Create the Copy

Jenaki excelled at completing her tasks, and together we edited her bio. I extracted a few points from it to use as copy for her “work with me” section.

Jenaki BIo

Jenaki’s goal was to market her Reiki services and provide an easy scheduling and payment process for clients. To achieve this, we opted to integrate Square for accepting payments and managing appointments. By embedding a Square booking widget, we made it effortless for clients to schedule and pay, saving time for both Jenaki and her clients.

Square Appointments Widget

Following a successful soft launch, Jenaki will soon be fully launching her website. Our next objective is to raise awareness and drive traffic to her site.


In conclusion, our partnership in creating a one-page WordPress website empowered Jenaki to establish a robust online presence and connect with clients seeking healing and self-discovery through Reiki. By leveraging my expertise in domain acquisition, website hosting, copywriting, and Square Appointments integration, I provided Jenaki with the necessary tools to expand her reach and enhance her business’s success. This journey shows the power of a simple well-crafted website in turning a passion into a thriving online enterprise.


The 2 tools you need to automate your social media posts

The 2 tools you need to automate your social media posts

We all know that social media marketing is a must in 2023. I mean, who isn’t on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat,  or Twitter? It’s important that your customers see you show up online. But let’s be real, no one has time to keep up with posting on social media manually. That’s where my secret weapons come in – Canva and Meta Business Suite.

What is Canva?

Picture of the back end of Canva

Canva is a graphic design tool that can be used by anyone. They’ve got plenty of templates to choose from so you can create social media graphics that fit your brand. And you can easily customize it with your brand colors, fonts, and logos. What’s even doper is that Canva has plenty of images you can use or just upload your own.


What is Meta Business Suite?


Now, let’s talk about Meta Business Suite. This all-in-one social media management tool allows you to manage multiple social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram), create and schedule posts, track performance, and analyze data. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a solopreneur or a big company, it’s a great tool for anyone. With Meta Business Suite, scheduling posts ahead of time is easy and saves you tons of time and energy.

The real magic happens when you use Canva and Meta Business Suite together. By creating templates in Canva and scheduling them in Meta Business Suite, you can automate your social media marketing and ensure a consistent brand image across all your platforms. And the yummy part,  these tools offer analytics and reporting features, so you can track your social media performance, measure engagement, and create more effective content.


In conclusion, if you want to streamline your social media marketing efforts, save time, and improve your overall strategy, you need to check out Canva and Meta Business Suite. Trust me, they’re a game-changer!